Auckland Transport engaged Traffica to support them with improvingthe safety of pedestrians crossing the busy intersection of Broadway and TeedStreet in Newmarket. This involved the installation and construction of trafficsignals, street lighting and speed tables which created safer and prioritisedcrossing across Broadway.
Close collaboration and coordination with multiple stakeholders was required to deliver this project with minimal disruption to businesses in the area. We worked closely with Auckland Transport, designers and underground service technicians, proposing alternative solutions for building infrastructure over and around an electrical sub transmission cable. Our teams worked across day and night shifts to minimise disruptions for traffic, the public, and local businesses while maintaining pedestrian access during business hours.
We successfully managed this complex project which involved Traffica’s wide range of in-house teams and specialist equipment. These included: traffic signals, street lighting, civil works, TMP design and approval, Temporary Traffic Management throughout the project, hydro excavations, sucker truck, concrete trucks, asphalt crew, transporter. Works on this project included construction of new pedestrian raised speed tables, traffic signal installation and commissioning, a total of six new signalised pram crossings installation of new street lighting, new footpath pavers, joint sealing, road marking and high-friction road surfacing.